Troop Info
Registration Details
Camp Fees are:
$30 per person
We are happy to have weekend campers and day trippers!
Final Balance and numbers attending due in full by February 5, 2025.
If you have not received a confirmation e-mail please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also check your junk box.
Download Iceberg Scouter Package Updated: 11/28/2024
Download Iceberg Emergency Plan Updated: 10/27/2023
Winter camping how-to
We know that not everyone knows how to winter camp. Here are some helpful tips for you and your group to make it a little easier!
Need to know
Patrols should have sleds to carry gear on Saturday including gear for lunch on the trail.
All activities are based on Winter OAS.
Groups will be provided the list of events before camp.
If patrols do not know a skill, that is OK! We will teach you the skill/ work through the skill with you. Patrols will be scored accordingly.
Patrols are expected to cook lunch on the trail. There will not be time to return to your site. You will stay at your last completed activity for the lunch hour, expect to feed the Scouters running the activity.
Groups will be asked to own an activity prior to camp and run it at camp. Details to come by email.
Check out the possible awards you could win!
Best Patrol 1st / 2nd / 3rd (total points)
Best Sled Design
Best Site Design
Most Spirit
Most Timely
3 Game Awards (Played during activity rotations)
On Saturday evening after all of the event scores have been tallied groups will get the opportunity to bid on awesome prizes! The auction money will be based on your over points from the day.
Badge Trading
Badge trading will be available at Keke for anyone interested between 5pm and 6pm.